A Recognized by Dental Council of India Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Seat Matrix:–
BDS : 60 Seats
MDS : 27 Seats
- Prosthodontics
- Periodontics
- Conservative Dentistry
- Orthodontics
- Community Dentistry
- Pedodontics
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- Oral Medicine & Radiology
- Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Year of Establishment | 1991 | Bangalore | Karnataka
College Type | Private
Bangalore Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital Bangalore is one among the reputed Private Dental Colleges in Karnataka. the school is popularly referred to as BIDS Bangalore and was founded within the year 1991-92.The primary batch of scholars passed out of the school on 8th November 1995 which happens to be the red letter day when the premier Dental Council of India gave recognition to the Institution.. BIDS Bangalore was began to serve students with the simplest care and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
The year 2002 saw the primary batch of Post-graduates leaving the Institution.
An Institutional research committee has been formed at BIDS to market research and publications by the scholars and therefore the faculty.The committee will conduct a scientific review of the research proposals by the school .The ambit of research add the institution includes monitoring of research and allied academic disciplines.
Bangalore Institute of Dental Sciences fees structure
Government Seats: 85,500/- INR per annum.
Private Seats: 5,50,000/- INR per annum.
NRI Seats: 6,50,000/- INR per annum.
Government Seats: 3,72,576/- INR per annum.
Private Seats: 6,20,676/- INR per annum.
NRI Seats: 10,0,000/- INR per annum.
Hostel Fee: 1,02,000/- INR per annum hostel accommodation including mess charges.