Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences & Research is a Government owned Autonomous Institute and is offering super specialty treatment to all Cardiac patients. It has got 600 bed strength with State of Art equipments in the form of 5 Cathlabs, 7 Operation Theaters, Non-Invasive Laboratories and 24 hours ICU facilities. Presently on an average 800-1000 patients are visiting this hospital every day and annually 25,500 In patients are treated. About 3000 Open Heart Surgeries, 10500 Coronary Angiograms, 4000 Procedures including Angioplasties and Valvuloplasties are done in this hospital.
The prevalence of heart attack, which was 2% in 1960 has increased to 12% in 2008. Unfortunately heart attack and other related heart ailments steadily increasing among the poor people. 70% of the patients who comes to our hospital are well below the poverty line. The consumables used for various procedures like Open heart surgeries (Valve replacement), Angioplasty procedures, Pacemaker procedures are becoming very expensive, however quality treatment is given at affordable cost. Well equipped special ward facilities with round the clock angioplasty services are also provided. We are working on Novel Slogan “ Every needy patient shall be given quality treatment irrespective of financial affordability”.