About Our Institute
K.R. Institutions offers an engaging and rewarding degree and diploma programs that foster the development of students who will become productive citizens, competent nurses, Pharmacists and technicians and will enhance the quality of life in the society beyond local and state boundaries to include a national and international scope.
The purpose of the institute is to educate the student for entry into professional practice through the integration of faith, learning and living. The goal of the program presented by the institute Network, is to provide the highest level of education.
As per the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court the Institutions has set up an Anti- Ragging Committee to curb ragging and come up with ragging free campus. Anti-Ragging Committee comprises of senior faculty members, senior students, local police inspector and headed by the Principals of various programs.The committee has taken various steps and allotted duties to the members to be vigilant all over the campus.Extensive propagation about anti-ragging has been done using multiple aids like Flex, Posters, Banners etc.., in the college premises and surrounding areas.