PES University Courses


Products are inseparable manifestations of art, science and engineering, ideally without an argument of primacy among them. Product Design is an iterative creative process of specifying products that meet human needs responsibly. Aligned to the vision (hyperlink to PES University Vision) and mission (hyperlink to PES University Mission) of PES University, the objective of the Product Design stream is to facilitate the development of skills in students that will enable them to solve/resolve problems facing humanity through product interventions. As the definition of product can be broad, the program also is broad-based and allows students to choose an area/sector/segment to work on which they prefer to pursue in the later years of their degree and pursuing a career.


The Interaction Design stream will focus on designing Interactions and not just interfaces. Interactions looks beyond the immediacy and seen within a larger societal context. Few courses in these specializations include User Experience, Usability Evaluation, Interaction Technologies and Media. Apart from the main courses, students will have electives (credit and non-credit courses), which will strengthen their abilities as an Interaction Designer.


Communication Design is a mixed discipline between design and information-development. Here we look at how media such as printed, crafted, electronic media or presentations communicate with people. The focus is also to create new media channels to ensure the message reaches the target audience. Few courses within Communication Design are Typography, Design, Storytelling and Narratives, Visual perception and Semiotics. Just like the other two streams, elective courses will be available for students specializing in Communication Design to strengthen their skills.


B.Des. in Product Design

B.Des. in Interaction Design

B.Des. in Communication Design

ADDRESS : Banashankari, Bangalore


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